Friday, July 13, 2007

Pledge to Liveearth now!

If you have not done so, you can log on to to pledge your support. It will only take you a minute but this little effort will go a long way to spread the message on environment conservation. DO YOUR PLEDGE NOW!

If you have already pledge your support, get your friends to do it NOW!

"It is the not size of the assignment that matters but how big your commitment is to the assignment!"

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Today is 7.7.07

7.7.07 - a once in a thousand years occurrence.

This is a special date. In Singapore, it is an important date for many people who chose to tie their knot on this special day.

It is, to the rest of the world, a day to create awareness on climate change and environmental conservation. This is a genuine concern and a serious one.

Live Earth, a movement for climate change crisis, call for global pledge and support for everyone to do their part, however small it may be, in your daily chores to conserve the environment. Live Earth, kicked off with marathon concerts in 7 continents - Australia, Africa, China, Japan, Brazil, UK, USA, Germany. The artistes did their part and so can you and I!

Global warming has a slow but devastating impact to OUR universal, Our planet, OUR home and the decendant of mankind. Our ozone layer is depleting causing the temperature to rise, slowly but steadily, resulting in abnormal temperature and climate phenonmenal around the world. Water level is constanting rising, unknown viruses surface,

Imagine that Maldives will be submerged in around 50 years.
Imagine that continent, like Africa & Australia, without rain for months
Imagine that sun-tanning cannot be an outdoor activities
Imagine that rain becomes acidic
Imagine .... Imagine .... Imaginee ... that tomorrow will never be the same again ....

Do your part as a citizen of this planet! Starting from NOW!
You don't need to be a millionaire or an expert to do your part for our environment! You can make a difference - Do your part by changing your daily habits, spreading the message, showing your pledge with ACTION and live the SPIRIT!

  • Use energy efficiency product
  • Off the light when not in use
  • Use natural light if possible
  • Use CFL bulbs
  • Use reuseable cups
  • Increase air-con thermostats by 1 degree
  • Recycle papers
  • Support the use of environmentally friendly product
  • Reduce use of plastic bags - Use reusable bag
  • Reduce CO2 emission - Walk or cycle and reduce reliance on automobile
  • Reduce water wastage
  • Use renewable energy products
  • Reduce deforestation
  • Reduce use of charcoal
  • Check your tyre pressure - right tyre pressure to save fuel

Pledge your support to LIVE EARTH -

Do your part for a greener and safer world!