Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Haze in Singapore Hit PSI of 152 - An Unhealthy Level

Haze is back in Singapore. The Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) reached a high of 152 at 11pm according to the National Environmental Agency (NEA). This is the highest level in probably a decade. Any reading between 101 and 200 is considered unhealthy level.

The haze, believed to be originated from Sumatra, Indonesia, has a smoky- smell and can cause irritants to the eyes and throat as well as breathing difficulties. It is unlikely to change for the better in the next few days. The lacked of rainfalls over the last few days did not help the cause and make the weather hotter and more stuffy.

Hopefully there will be a heavy downpour tomorrow or the wind direction change. Otherwise, it's going to be difficult for the next few days to get around.

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