Thursday, March 21, 2013

Drivers in Singapore

Singapore roads are getting crowded. The demand for cars has raised the preimum for entitlement tax. The interesting points I am making here were based on my observation over the last couple of weeks.

I having been running the same route during the last few months and make some observations. The time of my observations were made between 6pm - 6.30pm during weekdays along Pioneer Road. It was peak hour and traffic was heavy. There was no formally determined sample size. However, below are some of my observations.

1. Most lady drivers wore sun shades during this time of the day.
2. Most drivers, both male and female, will multi-tasks while driving. This was especially true when their vehicles stopped at the traffic light.
3. Most of the observed activities were texting or calling on mobiles, reading, eating and "digging" nostrils.
4. Most trucks, both with passengers & cargos, exceed their speed limits when the traffic was not heavy.
5. Several trucks & buses failed to stop at zebra road crossing.
6. Some drivers were texting and talking on their mobile (without handsfree) and slowing down their vehicles unknowingly.
7. Several drivers sped up when the vehicles ahead of them signal to filter into their lanes.

Are these behaviours result of the increasing pressure of developed city life? I am not sure but they definitely demonstrate some form of unreasonable attitude of the drivers in Singapore. The trend is certainly not positive. Increase enforcement is unlikely to change the behaviour but if coupled with education and awareness may.

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