Friday, April 13, 2012

March 26, 2012

This is an important day. A day that I put my thoughts into action. I have offically handed in my transfer request. Err.. No.. I am not a footballer. I just formalized my intent to leave the organization.

It was after much delibration that I finally exercised my decision made many many months ago. I will part with this great organization that I had devoted so much of my time and effort in the past 11 years. It all started with the faith to serve the customers but was humbled, over the years, by their support.

The feelings were mixed. On one hand, I was sad to leave behind a bunch of great folks and fellow teammates who had work so hard over the past years. On the other hand, I was happy to finally able cut the ambilical cord to allow myself to move on to pursuit other interests. I also believe that this parting will also allow the team to make changes and go on to achieve greater success.

The journey was never smooth sailing and had many challenges. It was nevertheless filled with joy and memorable experiences. During the past 11 years, I had the honor to witness many great leaders in action and had the pleasure to work with some of the most brillant and passionate co-workers. I was fortunate to be part of this organization and take pride in their mission. This was definitely a worthwhile journey to venture.

The opportunity to create jobs was the most significant opportunity & experience that define by decade with the organization.

There were people who asked why I haven't made the move earlier?

The decision was made 3 years ago when several opportunities were offered to me. However, at that time, the team of average 2 years was young and was not able to hold their own. At least this was my assessment. I could be wrong. Nevertheless, right or wrong was no longer important.

Then there was the need for succession as in my post of Dec 29, 2009. There were several more than qualified candidates and the team has sufficient knowledge and maturity to achieve many more successes. More importantly, there was the presence of a highly motivated successor who was very committed to take the team to the next level.

It is natural that when the child grows older, it is time to cut the string and let go. By the end of my tenure, I will serve my 11 years 11 month & 11 days.

Thank you for the opportunities.
Thank you for the support & teamwork. Thank you for the memoable experiences.
Thank you for the friendship.

This place & the people will also have a special place in my heart.