Saturday, November 25, 2006

"Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes."
- Phil Daniels

Simple words, profound meaning, easy to understand but extremely difficult to execute in reality.

For such to happen in real-life corporate world requires trust and this element is rare or even non-existence. Moreover, today's orgainization and society do not tolerate failure, even excellent one.


It is in the nature of human beings to avoid failure and be associated with successes, however, small and mediocre they may be. We call it " being positive". The consideration to task difficulties, task size, contribution of the project initiator, resource availability, contrbution and other critical success factors were not adequately reviewed when revewing a project/task success. Talent and culture suffer as a result. The resulting message will be "Do not try new things. Be safe then sorry!".

Such tolerance should certainly only limit to excellent failure and not medicore one.

What can this tolerant and recognition bring us? Rewarding excellent failures encourages risk-taking and allows creativity to be practice in reality. It empowers member to imagine the impossible and turn it into reality, allows creative juices to flow and encourages sensible and responsible risk-taking.

It also rewards excellent in innovation, design amd execution with emphasis on the what (to be done and has been done?), how (has it been executed)and why (whatever happen happens?). It sent a positive message and permission to dream, imagine, innovate, excel, be responsible and take risk to achieve excellent success.

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