Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Farewell, My Friend!

Today is boxing day. I received three consecutive SMSes this morning. It was around 8.10am and these were very different ones. All were bearing the same message - I lost a friend of 15 years to cancer at around 4.30am this morning. My heart sank as I read the messages. I wasn't prepared for this news - even now! I am at a lost of word.

I knew that he was diagnosed with liver cancer several years back and was prepared for the worse when doctor mentioned that his days were numbered. He quitted his job to recuperate at home. He lost weight and looked pale. However, he did not give up. He fought back with regular treatment and positive optimism to regained his health. Diagnosis were positive that he was on the right track of recovery and brought much hope.

The messages erased everything - the hope of a full recovery! The feeling was more than just sadness. I wasn't sure how to describe but it also encompassed some feeling lost, fragility and weakness.

In Memory of
Thank you for the friendship!
Rest in Peace!
1970 - 2006

I dedicate this post to you - and will always remember you as a jovial, optimistic, dedicated and positive person who loved comics - especially Dragonball! - My deepest condolences to all your love ones at home.


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