Monday, November 30, 2009

Ed is Back ...

I had been away for few reasons:

1. I went to complete my MBA
2. Lots of work related travel
3. I forgot my password

Actually, they were all excuses. Bottomline was that I was just too lazy.

2009 was quite an eventful year till date. The year started with the global financial crisis. Thanks to the helpful deeds from the (Lehman) Brothers who did their best to help the US folks own a roof over their head by selling their debt to people around the world. Unfortunately, someone woke up and realised that the rule of the game had to be changed sending shivers down the spine of people around the world causing all of them to withdraw investment from the markets weaken financially systems globally. The dominoes soon hit consumers driving confidence level to all time low impacting retail industry driving manufacturers to produce less and reducing work force to cut cost and result in less purchase. Then governments step in with creative programs to stimulate spending and stop job lost.

Then came initiatives to save the environment. Everything suddenly turns clean, green and sustainable. Jobs created were related to green. Every projects and every buildings used solar panels, green materials and were energy neutral. Then there were talks about Smartgrid and Microgrid to transmit power from generation to home. The biggest difference from the traditional transmission grid is that the new grid incorporated communication and control to determine when, where, who and what amount of power will be delivered. Of couse, there is also a why no power?

Work was very much focused on ASEAN travelling mostly to places like KL, Penang, Hanoi, HCM, Jakarta and Bangkok and, tomorrow, will have to Hong Kong - one of my favourite city in Asia.

There will be more update on twitter, my new project (Techforum2010), emerging technology trends, forthcoming trip to Malaysia and Manila. So I'm back!

1 comment:

el said...

Welcome back !! very informative blog.. thanks for sharing !!