Friday, February 05, 2010

Picture of the Day - A Bold Vision & An Ambition

Reservoir in the City. Sounds simple and many people will ask, "What's the big deal?"   

Looking deeper and the vision unveiled. That is, in simple terms, creating a dam along the river delta and "cleaning" the water to make them "drinkable" or converting salt water into potable water. However, this river is connected to many moonsoon drains around Singapore. Thus, "cleaning" the water will also mean "cleaning" all water and associated drainage flowing into this river. This is a project potential spread beyond decades but will benefit many generation of Singaporeans. This is a project that may not have immediate political mileage yet undertaken Kudo to the team for their vision, ambition and, most importantly, the intent behind the initiative is geniuely for the good of Singapore's future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U r definitely a different one !!