Sunday, December 05, 2010


I was SingTel mobile service subscriber since I got my first Motorola clamshell phone. It should be around 18 years by now. I have experienced significant improvement in their customer service over the years. I was referring to SingTel and not the Hello Shop. However, ever since I moved to Jurong, the reception there had been disappointing. It was even more with the 3G network. The network was non-existence at times. It can be fustrating at times but what was most fustrating was the responses when fedback. The responses were that they were upgrading their equipment and service will resume to normal soon and they sent their team to check and everything was fine when the user's experience was otherwise. Was that complacency? They should realize that with the other two telcos hot on their heels, creatively upping the game, the once monopolize market share was dwindling and they could soon lose more customers if they fail to continue to invest to improve their service. I meant technically.

I hope I can continue to support this national icon but I also hope they won't take these loyal customers for granted. Let's see what will happen.

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