Sunday, June 26, 2011

2011: Year of Change

People who followed me on my other social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter knew that I labelled 2011 as the Year of Change.

1. Estonia adopted the Euro currency on Jan 1.
2. Tsunami and earthquakes hit Japan on Mar 11 killing more than 15,000 and another 8,000 missing.
3. Government around the world reconsidered their policies on nuclear power after the Fukushima crisis.
4. Japan earthquake prompted many global manufacturers to review and change their supply chain strategies to improve supply chain resiliency.
5. US devaluation of their currency causing inflation to many Asian countries including China and Vietnam.
6. China's intent to move away from the "Producer of the World" tag to "Consumer of the World" tag.
7. The turnaround of Indonesian economy and the rise of Mekong 3 in ASEAN.
8. Civil war in Libia - life will never be the same again for many Libiyan.
9. Cybersecurity became a focus with the cyber attack on Sony and Citibank.
10. Singapore 2011 election was a watershed election resulting in radical change to the cabinet and ministerial portfolio.
11. The rise of social media plaforms in politics - The Voices of Gen Y, especially in Singapore.
12. Increase in the number free trade agreement and non-tariff barriers resulting in changes to conventional trade and trade governing policies.

The list goes on ...

This "Year of Change" was actually meant for me. The first change will be to this blog. Not the layout but the frequency. The intent is to have more more posting but shorter ones on day-to-day subjects making them more spontaneous. The major change will be a change of environment leaving my comfort zone built over the past decade to seek new challenges and pursue new interests.

It was not that I did not like what I was doing anymore but the need to seek greater & more worthy challenges and excitement were more tempting. The need for change and injection of uncertainties excited me more than day-to-day mundane. More importantly, to follow my heart desire. Passion drove me. Challenges made me more creative. Uncertainties made me more productivity. Together, they made me look forward to the day.

I have done my part and paid my dues. Taking a famous brand unknown in this small island from obscurity to prominence. Time to move on ..... While I do not know what will be my next project but I seek the opportunity to take a local brand global. While I began the journey to explore ...more detail coming up...

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