Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sustainability of an Organization

The typical measures of organization sustainability are usually the measures of the organization's revenue, presence, financial health, reporting transparency, supply chain management and CSR among others.

Most established companies who have been doing well will hire sustainability experts to develop & implement their strategy and public relations. They were first class in their various activities and managing the expectation and influence of their stakeholders.

However, It struck me during an event opening address that the Managing Director mentioned that the true sustainability of an organization should be the measure of her customers' aspiration to work with the organization (or buy their services), work with the organization, repeatedly continue to want to work with the organization and influence their contacts to use the services. How right was she! The trust places on the organization from her various stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, regulators, communities and the extended society, is what would keep the organization relevant. Afterall, the objective of any organization is to serve her customers and help them to be successful.

Its just so straightforward & simple and, yet, it was so surprising that many billion dollar corporation could not get this fundamental right.

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