Sunday, October 02, 2011


Successful organizations produce successful people who are sort after by aspiring organizations.

Successful organizations have processes & systems that leverage the strengths of people they attracted. People made these organizations stronger & more competitive. These processes were ideally designed to produce the targeted results under the worse case scenario based on the known controllable variables. People improve the efficiency of the system with their knowledge, skills & drive. Good people will bring more yield to the system. Good yield enhanced targeted result making both the organization & their employees successful.

People, in such cases, felt that their involvement contributed to the results & will strive harder to improve. They felt they have collectively made the difference. When they were successful, so were their leaders who had designed & implemented the system.

Thus, "the best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves." (Lao Tse)

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