Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The New Work Order (NWO)

Not in order of importance.

1. From Cooperate to Collaborate. Objective oriented. Seek mutual benefits. Leverage on crowd/customers to solve your problems.

2. Broad Width of Experiences are more Important than Qualification. The NWO is about getting all necessary things done. Not just being expert in one aspect.

3. Design is Everything. Incorporate design in your processes, products and even marketing campaigns. Design aesthetics. Incorporate convenience. Enhance experience.

4. Leverage Technology. Embrace social media, cloud and mobility. Enhance visibility. Enhance connectedness. Improve efficiency.

5. Knowledge is key but share to improve. Open source. Seek & share new ideas. Help orhers in need. Credit source.

6. Embrace diversity. Adopt firm core values. Globalization. Understand cultural differences. Respect.

7. Trust. Promote transparency. Deliver promises. Consistency. Less control is more. Quality.

8. Promote Social Responsibility. Encourage participation. Contribute to communities.

9. Passion. Making things happen. Impossible is nothing. Enthusiasm. Freedom of expression.

10. It's all about Growth. Expansion of territories. Depth of customer intimacy. Number of customers. Its not about cost-cutting.

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