Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12.12.12 12.12pm

Everyone should feel special today as it is a once in a life time opportunity to be part if this unique timestamp: 12-12-12 at 12.12pm.

It has been a turbulance year. A year of many events both positive and negatives: financial crisis in Europe and the USA coupled with slowdown in China and India. High inflation all around especially Asia. Rise of protectionism attitude. Then there were the havoc of hurricane and earthquake that left many homeless.

There were also plenty of celebrations around the world with the FIFA World Cup, Olympic, Paraolympic and the Queen Jubilee in London. The re-election of President Obama as well as the successful leadership handover in China.

With this commemorative post to this unique timestamp, I wish everyone good health, happiness and good fortune. Success in everything you do and the restoration to rationality of Mother Earth and its citizen among the others.

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