Friday, July 21, 2006

Italy Won

I haven't posted for a quite a while due to the hectic traveling schedule. Well, Italy won the World Cup and this campaign has all the ingredient of a spectacle. Good goals, young rising stars, controversies, wrong decisions from our men in black, hearbreaking & dramatic finale ...

Soccer is hailed as "The Beautiful Game" driven by passion (or over passion), great skill, teamwork, strategies and controversies.

A place where people are divided yet united.
A place where talent and hard work co-exisit.
A place where creativity exisits within the box.
A game where passion, hunger and determination can rule the day.
A game where superiority teamwork and cohesive can makes a difference.
A game where complicated preparation meets simple strategy.
A game where brute force meets flair and elegance.
A game where controversies add spices ...

Well, it's the beautiful game....

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