Sunday, October 29, 2006

Developing a Culture for Excellence

How do companies develop a culture of excellence? Companies today focus on bottomline and, on many occasion, their strategies and initiatives were aim at achieving short-term benefits. Moreover, a culture of excellence is not just about having a good quality product. This is merely a by-product as is profitability. Not many realize that developing this Culture of Excellence within an Organization would not cost.


Build team members with the right traits & attitude towards work and life.

- Enthusiastic, fun & energetic team members
- Do-it-now attitude
- Forgive failed effort, encourage excellence
- Reward innovation, customer focus team member
- Continuous development/improvement


Adopt simple, fun, provcative, customer & design focus processes.


Develop product/service that customers will be proud to relate/associate, easy to use, fun and cool!

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