Saturday, October 07, 2006

Mid-autumn Celebration

We celebrated our mid-autumn festival at The Sky Café, the restaurant at Sky Fitness Gym at Harbourfront Tower 2, this evening. The event was attended by more than 20 colleagues, their families and friends.

The evening started with a buffet spread of Chinese and vegetarian food. The children were given lanterns, a tradition of the festival, and a treat of cartoons while the others were challenged with “lantern riddles”.

This challenge was interesting. While most attempted the riddles, some kept the answers to themselves, others tried to reap the effort of the others without attempting. There were also some who were complacent and did not take the challenge seriously and others who gave up without trying. I won this challenge not because I knew the answers but because I managed to solve some of the riddles, traded some answers with others and ensure that I attempted all, none was left blank. It was the attitude of knowledge sharing and networking that won the challenges.

We also presented 4 awards in recognition of the excellent effort of our colleagues. They took the extra mile meet the tight dateline set for a project and won us some happy and satisfied customers as well as one who work very hard to help us expand into the region and won us many new customers.

It was followed by a well-researched session about the legend of moon cake festival and moon cake by Bernard. Then everyone was invited to a spread of traditional (lotus paste with and without yolk), modern (lotus paste in melon skins) and fusion (durian paste) moon cakes served with “wulong” tea.

After the moon cakes, everyone gathered at the studio next door where Pamela and her partner, Daryl, gave us a lesson of ballroom dancing, Cha-Cha-Cha. It was 4 sets of 4 basic steps from side movement, turns and forward movements. Sounded simple? Try yourself to experience!

The evening was completed with a demonstration by the experts.

It was a fantastic evening when everyone let their hairs down and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It also brought everyone closer and, more importantly, shared this traditional festival with our non-Chinese colleagues and friends.

Special thanks to Pamela, Bernard and Rane who worked hard to pull this event together. We will be looking forward to our next big event, our Annual Dinner & Award Presentation Nite.

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