Saturday, March 27, 2010

Peaks and Valleys

I recently read a book that talked about the ups and downs of life and work. The book was by Dr Spencer Johnson who also wrote Who Moved my Cheese?

In a nutshell, good and bad times were result of earlier work. There were things done that resulted in improvement while others either caused decline or has no impact. Doing more of things with positive impact led to better times while doing more during good time help us maintain the good times.

There are times that everything in life is smoothsailing and in the growth mode. There will also be time when whatever can go wrong will go wrong and everything is in declined. However, the good times were the result of hard work done during the bad times. Working hard and do the right things when times are bad helped build and prepare for the good times.

Many people also forget to continue the work they did that get them where they were and did not continue doing them. Many people got complacent. They stop doing both what got them there and what needed to maintain the good times. There were also on many occasions that people do not know what to do when next to get out of the bad times or get to their next peak. The ability to look beyond the near future could blind us and stagnent us. At any given time and situation, enjoy what you do and enjoy your success. Lastly, and most importantly, share your success with others.

He summarized so nicely as follows:

1. Face reality. Seek truth!
2. Seek the positive even in bad times. Leverage and build on them.
3. Appreciate the good time. Continue to work hard. Save resources for rainy days.
4. Follow your heart. Have a vision. Enjoy the path to realize it.
5. Share your success and experience with others.

So do remember to have fun and share the joy!

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