Saturday, March 20, 2010

Picture of the Day - Wall of Indulgence

There were so many time when we look at "decoration" or photographs hanged on the wall of public places and, for so many times, we would give a passing remarks or critics. How often had anyone thought about what it took to be up there where people felt good and proud to display them?

The accomplishment of the portraits, the success of each brand, the fame of a commercial work such as movie or song or the beauty of a piece of artwork. The amount of effort behind these decorations were tremendous and beyond what many people had imagined. For example, Alfed Hitchcock, the Master of Suspense thriller & movie maker. He is a legend in his own rights. Elvis Presley, the undisputed king of rock and roll. They have all excel beyond possible commoners' achievement. I would like to believe that they did not get to where they were by chance but through lots of hard work.

Sports Bar in Bangalore

So the next time you see a nice piece of work on the wall, think about the effort behind it. Appreciate its journey getting on to the wall.

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