Sunday, January 01, 2012

A 2011: 23:59 Recap!

This is the final day (and final hour) of 2011. 2011 has been a year of mixed fortune.

  1. The earthquake in Japan disrupting the life of millions.
  2. Opposition party challenging the ruling party in the General Election and won a GRC becoming the new normal.

  3. The flood in Bangkok brought many challenges to the people and businesses both in Thailand and the region.
  4. Singapore's Orchard Road flooded.
  5. US forces killed Osama bin Laden.
  6. Bullet train derailed in China causing cars to fall off bridge.
  7. Singapore elected new president.
  8. US government credit downgraded causing stocks worldwide into tailspin.
  9. World population exceeding 7 billion.
  10. The world lost Steve Jobs - founder of Apple.
  11. Gadhafi killed.
  12. Giving excuse and not having the faith to follow the desire of the heart.
  13. SMRT broke down causing delay of more than 3 hours to commuters.
  14. The change of leadership in North Korea brought about many experts opinion.
  15. Manchester Utd losing at Old Trafford to Blackburn allowing Manchester City finishing top of BPL for the year.
  16. Singapore stocks closed the year with 16% slump.
  17. The end of a new era ... PD4B.. The Emergence of Sigre...

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