Sunday, January 22, 2012

Enter The Dragon

The year of rabbit ends in the next few minutes and the sign will change to Dragon, a symbol only used by emperors and kings in ancient China. It is unknown if Dragon existed or a myth but is definitely a representation of auspicious and positivity.

The bunny created chaos with numerous disaters such as Fukushima earthquake, Thailand's flood, financial crisis in Europe & the US and many as mentioned in my earlier post. Hopes were pinned on the Dragon to turn around world economy and resume peace with Mother nature.

Many hope for economy revival and the upcoming election in the US will give politicians some incentives to do the right things to turnaround the world largest economy. Europe can get their house in order and manage their debt situation. China will continue their growth and cushion the void left by the western world. India does its part to support global economy growth while the Middle Eastern nations continue to maintain oil price at a reasonable and affordable levels. Brazil and other oil producing economies will support the global course as they enjoy their profit. Last, but not least, South East Asia maintain their investment and continue to collaborate for growth.

It is also expected that fertility rate will increase during this year of kings. In short, year of Dragon will be a year of prosperity and plentiful. Let's also hope that this is a safe year for all.

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