Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Special Dedication: "Be Back Soon"

Abstract from Oliver Twist musical .... and dedication to my special one... 
You can go,

But be back soon
You can go,
But while you're working.

This place, I'm pacing round...
Until you're home, ...Safe and sound

Fare thee well,
But be back soon
Who can tell where danger's lurking?

Do not forget this tune
Be back soon.

Cheerio, but be back soon.

I dunno, somehow I'll miss you
I love you, that why I
Say, "Cheerio"...
Not goodbye.

Don't be gone long
Be back soon.
Give me one long,

Last look...
Bless you.
Remember our old tune...
Be back soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She will be back soon ... sure she will ..