Friday, January 01, 2010

Ed's 2009 Read List

This was an interesting exercise that made me realised that my reading focus was rather narrow and lacked variety. Below was my list for 2009 and, as usual, they are not conclusive and in no order of preference.

Regular Read
| The Straits Times | Business Times |
| Control Engineering Asia | The Economist |
| TIMES | TIMES Mobile | Newsweek Mobile |
| Reuters Mobile | Bloomberg Mobile |
| Journals & Papers | EM Asia |

Occasional Read
| Harvard Business Review | Financial Times |
| EDN Asia | Asset | Wireless Design |

Books that I Like
| Romance of the Three Kingdom (Chinese Version) |
| Suntzu's Art of War (Chinese Version) | What Customer Wants You to Know? |
| The First 90 Days | The Leadership Pipeline | The Undercover Economists | ...

What I should try to read in 2010
| Chinese Classics | Culinary | Food |
| Travel | Home Decor | Medical & Health | ...


el said...

remember, i would always available as ur guinea pig .. hehe!!

Ed Ng said...

Thank you! I will remember.