Saturday, January 02, 2010

Picture of the Day - Be the Legend

Hard work, Determination and Self-belief : Be the Legend

Recently, I attended the East Asian Games in Hong Kong. The theme was "Be the Legend" and, so appropriately, the contingent surpassed expectations and did Hong Kong proud. hauling 110 medals from 22 sports on offer. 26 were gold including soccer, a sport which the host was underdog, where they beat Asia soccer powerhouse South Korea, DPR Korea and Japan enroute to the gold medal. Kudos to the team! They had demonstrated that with hard work, undying determination and self-belief, no dream is too distant to chase.

People sees the glamour of altheletes when they triumph. Embrace them and share their association. The same group of people also denounce them when results are not in their favour. This is the paradox of sporting celebrities. One day they are loved. Otherwise on another day.

However, one cannot deny the determination, hard work and scarifices from any althelete in pursuing their passion, surpassing themselves and, more importantly, continuously pursuing perfection and excellence. For many of them, they face diffculties from objection from family and society to financial survival. For others, self-doubt over time as no one is sure that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Let alone gold pot at the end of the rainbow. It is the strenght that they demonstrated when their chips are down that makes the difference. It is this special tenacity and stubborness that take them onto their stage and make them worthy of their stage.

Thus, all participants were winners in their own rights. Salulation!

"Stairway to Success can be Arduous but is also Colourful"

The chinese phase "台上一分钟,台下十年工" most appropriately describe their hard work and pain off the limelight. I dedicate this blog to anyone who go against the odds, quietly working tirelessly in pursue of their dreams and excellent in what they do. They do not wait for their chances to come but create and take them as they come. The stairway to success may be a long arduous journey which does not guarentee material return but the route can be colourful and fulfilling. The experiences and satisfaction gain along the journey cannot be measured or replaced in any way. Anyone who dare pursue their dream is a winner and worthy of their stage.

Everyone has their own stage. Are you ready to take your stage? Are you worthy of your stage? It's all in your hands.

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