Friday, January 01, 2010

2010: They Rocked 2009

They rock the world in 2009 in one way or another. They either painted the world red or grey. They are just some of the names but not conclusive and not in any order of perference:

| Rachel Uchitel |Steve Jobs | Cristiano Ronaldo | Mark Zuckerberg |
| Madoff | Lehman Brothers | Michael Jackson | Lady GaGa |
| Adam Lambert | Susan Boyle | Barack Obama | Jack Dorsey |
| Ken Lewis | Usian Bolt | Picquet Nelson Jr. |
| Manny Pacquiao | Danny Boyle | Lionel Messi |
| Patrick Swayze |
|Hillary Clinton | Jack Ma | Sarah Palin |
| Rafael Nadal | Tiger Woods | Thiery Henry | ...

Will you rock the world in 2010? Never say Never!

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