Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Victoria Peak, Hong Kong

Victoria Peak, Hong Kong

We took the tram to Victoria Peak on an unfortunately foggy evening last month. Yes! It was almost a month back that I went to the Peak and took this picture.  A combination of reasons delayed this posting. Nevertheless, it's better late than never.

This was not my first time visiting the Peak but the place gave me a different experience every time I visited. The view of the famous Victoria Harbour, decorated by the vibrancy of the ferries and buildings of Kowloon and Central business district, were stunning by day and spectacular with the lights on at night. The skyline of Hong Kong Central district was unrivalled in Asia. They also signified the success of Hong Kong's economy.

The peak stood around 552m above sea level and is the highest mountain on Hong Kong Island. It was once a signalling post for incoming cargo ships and, later, residents for the previlieged. One main reason for the success of Victoria Peak was the establishment of an efficient and convenient transportation system, namely the tram system.

These pictures were taken with Canon Powershot A85 automatic camera and they were taken without tripod. It's always such a joy to enjoy the beautiful scenary with the company of cooling breeze. An experience worthy of the trip.

1 comment:

el said...

Nice shot !! I should go to HK again i guess !!